






  2004年 本科 南京农业大学动物医学院;
  2006-2009年 博士 南京农业大学预防兽医系;
  2014-2015年 赴芝加哥大学开展科研合作。
  2018年 获全国高校农林类专业微课教学比赛三等奖和南京农业大学教学质量优秀奖;
  2019年 获得南京农业大学优秀教学奖,主编高等农林教育“十三五”规划教材1本。



  主持国家自然科学基金2项、江苏省自然科学基金1项、江苏省农业科技自主创新资金1项、教育部博士点基金1项、参与国家973项目1项(骨干)、参与科技部重大专项4项(骨干)。申请专利5项,获得授权专利2项。相关研究成果申请人以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在 Cell Death and Differentiation、Frontiers In Immunology、Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 和 Veterinary Research等杂志发表SCI论文20余篇。
  1、主持国家自然科学基金《猪源罗伊氏乳杆菌 D8 增强仔猪肠黏膜屏障抵御 PEDV 感染机制的研究》(31972631),起止日期:2020-2023
  5、主持国家转基因重大专项《高产优质转基因奶羊新品种培育》子课题 4 期,起止日期:2008-2015
  6、主持江苏省自然科学基金:《乳酸杆菌拮抗猪链球菌 2 型侵袭扁桃体上皮机制的研究》(BK2011645),起止日期:2011-2014
  7、主持教育部博士点基金新教师类《猪链球菌 2 型突破扁桃体上皮屏障机制的研究》(20100097120007),起止日期:2011-2013
  8、参与国家自然科学基金《PEDV 经母猪乳汁垂直传播给新生仔猪的机制研究》 (31930109),起止日期:2020-2024,项目骨干
  9、参与 973 项目《猪利用氮营养素的机制及营养调控》(2013CB127300),起止日期:2013-2017,项目骨干



  1、2019 年获得南京农业大学优秀教学奖,
  2、2018 年获得全国高校农林类专业微课教学比赛三等奖
  3、2018 年获得南京农业大学教学质量优秀奖
  4、2016 和 2017 年动物医学院教学质量奖
  5、2012、2013 和 2018 年动物医学院青年教师授课竞赛一等奖


  1、《乳杆菌 D8 及其应用》,发明人:庾庆华;侯起航;杨倩
  2、《重组嗜酸乳杆菌 S 层蛋白在大肠杆菌中的高效表达及其应用》,发明人:庾庆华;高雪;黄璐璐;叶露露;侯起航
  4、《高效表达山羊生长激素 GH 的乳腺特异性表达载体》,发明人:杨倩, 张强, 庾庆华, 林建
  5、《表达高致病性禽流感病毒 H5 亚型血凝素蛋白的重组嗜酸乳杆菌》,发明人:杨倩,王志胜,庾庆华



  1、Li, Y.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.; Wu, H.; Zhao, S.; Yu QH(通讯作者). (2019) Protecting intestinal epithelial cells against deoxynivalenol and E. coli damage by recombinant porcine IL-22. Veterinary microbiology 2019, 231, 154-159.
  2、Li, Y.; Lu, X.; Wu, H.; Xia, M.; Hou, Q.; Hu, W.; Li, T.; Wu, L.; Yu QH(通讯作者). (2018)The effect of dietary supplementation of low crude protein on intestinal morphology in pigs. Res Vet Sci 2019, 122, 15-21.
  3、Wu, H.; Ye, L.; Lu, X.; Xie, S.; Yang, Q.; Yu QH(通讯作者). (2018) Lactobacillus acidophilus Alleviated Salmonella-Induced Goblet Cells Loss and Colitis by Notch Pathway. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2018, 62.
  4、Hou Q, Ye L, Liu H, Huang L, Yang Q, Turner JR, , Yu QH(通讯作者)(2018) Lactobacillus accelerates ISCs regeneration to protect the integrity of intestinal mucosa through activation of STAT3 signaling pathway induced by LPLs secretion of IL-22. Cell Death & Differentiation. F1000prime 推荐
  5、Huang LL, Hou QH, Ye LL, Yang Q, Yu QH(通讯作者). (2017) Crosstalk between H9N2 avian influenza virus and crypt-derived intestinal organoids. Vet Res; 48.
  6、Hou QH, Ye LL, Huang LL, Yu QH(通讯作者). (2017) The Research Progress on Intestinal Stem Cells and Its Relationship with Intestinal Microbiota. Frontiers In Immunology; 8.
  7、Bao ZK, Lin J, Ye LL, Zhang Q, Chen JQ, Yang Q, Yu QH(通讯作者)(2016) Modulation of Mammary Gland Development and Milk Production by Growth Hormone Expression in GH Transgenic Goats. Front Physiol.7.
  8、Xia M, Ye L, Hou Q, Yu Q(通讯作者)(2016) Effects of arginine on intestinal epithelial cell integrity and nutrient uptake. Br J Nutr.1-7.
  9、Gao X, Huang LL, Zhu LQ, Mou CX, Hou QH, Yu QH(通讯作者)(2016) Inhibition of H9N2 Virus Invasion into Dendritic Cells by the S-Layer Protein from L. acidophilus ATCC 4356. Front Cell Infect Mi.6.
  10、Huang L, Qin T, Yin Y, Gao X, Lin J, Yang Q, Yu Q(通讯作者)(2016) Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR9 induces dendritic cell maturation and enhances the immune response against inactivated avian influenza virus. Sci Rep.6:21363.
  11、Bao Z, Gao X, Zhang Q, Lin J, Hu W, Yu H, Chen J, Yang Q, Yu Q(通讯作者)(2015) The Effects of GH Transgenic Goats on the Microflora of the Intestine, Feces and Surrounding Soil. PloS one.10(10):e0139822.
  12、Yu QH, Yuan LX, Deng J, Yang Q (2015) Lactobacillus protects the integrity of intestinal epithelial barrier damaged by pathogenic bacteria. Front Cell Infect Mi.5.
  13、Yu Q, Zhu L, Kang H, Yang Q (2013) Mucosal Lactobacillus vectored vaccines. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics.9(4):805-7.
  14、Yu Q, Zhu L, Lin J, Zhang Q, Tian Q, Hu W, Yang Q (2013) Functional analyse of GLUT1 and GLUT12 in glucose uptake in goat mammary gland epithelial cells. PloS one.8(5):e65013.
  15、Yu QH, Wang ZS, Li PC, Yang Q (2013) The effect of various absorption enhancers on tight junction in the human intestinal Caco-2 cell line. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy.39(4):587-92.
  16、Wang Z, Yu Q(共同第一作者), Gao J, Yang Q (2012) Mucosal and systemic immune responses induced by recombinant Lactobacillus spp. expressing the hemagglutinin of the avian influenza virus H5N1. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI.19(2):174-9.
  17、Yu Q, Wang Z, Yang Q (2012) Lactobacillus amylophilus D14 protects tight junction from enteropathogenic bacteria damage in Caco-2 cells. Journal of dairy science.95(10):5580-7.
  18、Yu Q, Zhu L, Wang Z, Li P, Yang Q (2012) Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. lactis R4 prevents Salmonella typhimurium SL1344-induced damage to tight junctions and adherens junctions. J Microbiol.50(4):613-7.
  19、Yu QH, Wang ZS, Yang QA (2011) Ability of Lactobacillus to inhibit enteric pathogenic bacteria adhesion on Caco-2 cells. World J Microb Biot.27(4):881-6.
  20、Yu Q, Li P, Yang Q (2010) Improving the absorption of earthworm fibrinolytic enzymes with mucosal enhancers. Pharmaceutical biology.48(7):816-21.
  21、Yu QH, Yang Q (2009) Diversity of tight junctions (TJs) between gastrointestinal epithelial cells and their function in maintaining the mucosal barrier. Cell Biol Int.33(1):78-82.
  22、Yu QH, Dong SM, Zhu WY, Yang Q (2007) Use of green fluorescent protein to monitor Lactobacillus in the gastro-intestinal tract of chicken. Fems Microbiol Lett.275(2):207-13.

七 、联系方式

  地址:南京农业大学动物医学院逸夫楼 5009


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